Our Crew & Safety
One crew with one view; to create and nurture a unique environment that safely challenges, educates and excites thrill-seekers, nature enthusiasts and curious adventurers.
Important Safety Information
The TreeClimb design conforms with AS3533.1-2009 and is registered as an amusement device with the State Government.
We use state of the art Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) from leading manufacturers.
Each guest goes through compulsory training on the use of our continuous belay system which ensures that they always remain attached to the cables on the structure. If you fall into your harness, you can simply climb back up!
For safety reasons, no loose items, including cameras, phones, and jewellery will be permitted. We offer solutions allowing you to take photos and videos.
We climb, rain or shine! We actively monitor local weather and will advise you in advance if the weather may affect your booking.
You can access our T&C’s and a copy of our participation agreement (waiver) here.
Our Conditions of Entry clearly specify the do’s and don’ts which we recommend you thoroughly read and understand before you make a booking.
Our Crew and Our Training
Safety is the most important part of what we do.
All Crew must successfully complete their training following recommendations from our design and building company ALTUS , adhering to required global safety standards. This training covers all areas of safety, including equipment training, maintenance, course navigation, communication and emergency procedures.
Each crew member also holds a current Senior First Aid Certificate including CPR and a mandatory DCSI Clearance (Department for Communities and Social Inclusion) for child-related employment.
Your Resources
Some groups require a copy of our most up-to-date Risk Management Plan which you can request by emailing enquiries@treeclimb.com.au along with a Certificate of Currency for our Public Liability Insurance. Any other questions are to be directed to hello@treeclimb.com.au where we respond within 24 hours!
Our Equipment
All our equipment meets or exceeds European and Australian standards and undergoes an inspection prior to each use. Hygiene is also something we take very seriously, and our helmets and harnesses are disinfected and cleaned regularly.
Our most commonly used harness is a PETZL Gym Harness. With a waist belt between 60-101cm and a maximum leg loop of 67cm. For something a little more comfortable you may be fitted with a PETZL Voltige Chest Harness and a PETZL Aspir Harness. We have a limited number available per session so our crew will work to fit the most appropriate harness to your person. For the little ones weighing less than 40kg, they may be fitted with a PETZL Simba full body Harness.
Please remember that one of our main Conditions of Entry is to safely and securely fit into the harness as per the discretion of our highly trained crew. Gloves are mandatory on the Kids Course and Grand Course. We have gloves available for purchase online or at check-in for $3.50. Customers can BYO if they wish.
Your Safety Training
TreeClimb is designed for your experience to be autonomous with us there to support and guide you as your crew when required; a challenge by choice! Before you head out for your climb, you must complete our compulsory safety training and prove your newfound skills on a demonstration course.
TiC SA Accreditation
The Tourism Accreditation ‘tick’ highlights tourism businesses that are endorsed by the tourism industry as quality assured. Likewise, accredited tourism businesses are recognised as professional, ethical and reliable operators, which deliver high-quality tourism experiences.